
Подшипники из инновационных высокоэффективных пластмасс и полимеров, срок службы которых легко рассчитать, помогают клиентам компании igus, основанной в 1964 году в г. Кельн, Германия, повысить эффективность своей работы и сократить операционные расходы. Производственные мощности компании, на которых производятся как стандартные промышленные подшипники, так и подшипники по индивидуальным техническим заданиям, расположены в штате Род-Айленд, США.
  • Complies with fire protection standard DIN EN 45545 HL3, R22/R23
  • Flame retardant
  • High wear resistance
  • Low friction
iglidur® bar stock RW370 Lubrication-free iglidur® bar stock enable you to freely design all kinds of maintenance-free gliding elements and bearings. The broad range of iglidur® plain bearing materials enables you to optimally align the bearing material with the best friction and wear values on the counter partner. In addition to the bar stock for independent processing, we will also be happy to produce plain bearings, sliding elements and glide pads in all forms. We can even provide urgent prototypes in a matter of days in line with a desired deadline. Typical application areas
  • For applications in the railway industry
  • Door guides and hinges, pivoted joints, boarding steps, seat mechanisms and table mechanisms
  • You will find plenty of additional application areas at our industry solutions
When to use it? When no suitable size is available in the iglidur® catalogue
  • For applications in rail technology where suitability according to DIN EN 45545 is required
  • When plastic bar stock with a high level of wear resistance at low to medium pressure loads is required
  • When a low coefficient of friction in dry operation is required
  • When low moisture absorption is required
When not to use it?
  • When a corresponding iglidur® standard catalogue bearing is available
  • When high pressure loads occur and suitability according to DIN EN 45545 is not needed
  • When short-term temperatures higher than +190°C occur
  • When a cost-effective bearing for occasional movements is necessary
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